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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Still drives that Mack Truck though....

Real Housewives of OC

If Vikki yells out "woo hoo" one more time I am going to kick my TV in...

The very special post pardum episode....with Cybil Sheppard starring as Peggy and Parker Stevenson as her husband. Mary Kate Olsen travels back in time to make as a guest appearance as baby Capri.....a young baby who is rushed to the hospital while on vacation in a terrifying paper cut incident...

Bethany Ever After is ice skating....what on earth will that show think of next? I know.....How about having her shut up for two seconds......

Why is it at the drive-thru at Burger King I always somehow hope and think from the voice that the girl taking my order is somehow hot...and when I get up to get my food..she is inevitably...not...

Speaking of Burger King....I am already ashamed that I ate that shit for lunch today...please don't try to use that hot voice to get me to order some awful apple pie lard fest on top of it....

Lastly, I don't watch Dancing with the Stars...but why are they saying this is Ralph Macchio's comeback? Didn't any of them see Beer League? Entourage? He's been back baby!

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