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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Son there is no draft...

Unless you are hearding cattle there should be no reason to live in NJ and drive one of those 8 cyl. Ford 150 humongous pick up trucks...

Caught a glimpse of Celebrity Apprentice..Donald Trump now looks like Bob Barker's younger exactly does one get their skin that tangerine color...he looks like a tall white haired umpa loompa...Did I mention his face is orange....

Speaking of Bob great is it that he banged all those Showcase showdown girls.....Heard he would have them all over for an orgy but then wind up making fun of the red haired one and telling her to take a hike....and on the way out he would tell the blondes to go get themselves spayed or nuetered...

Up next on an all new Real Housewives of Miami Marisol's plastic face freezes off in the snow in Aspen...and her fianc'e realizes she is 49 and he will never have kids....then he remembers what her mother looks like and he throws himself off a cliff...

Was in Wal Mart the other morning and the whole store staff was having a meeting in a circle and then they started clapping, I yelled out "would you shut up I am trying to shop here"

Jersey Shore

OMG....the moment we've all been waiting for in the finale...Roger tells Jwow that he....I'm getting emotional here chicks.....I literally have tears in my eyes....

Sooo Ronnie's mom drunk dials him?...and this is the first time we are hearing about her on the show why? Spinoff? please?

By the way, don't even try blaming Arvin for any of this...

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