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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

You just don't know Damone...

Anyone else go to Dollar General stores? I go  to one near Trenton, where I work, ...sooo..I went  on Tuesday...bought a jar of valsoline and when I got home I noticed a finger swipe was taken out of it......when I was there I overheard the phrase "them diapers be only $6 .50"....thought to myself at one point "Is the 75 cents off of Sensedyne worth getting inadvertintly shot in a botched hold-up?" my dogs rawhide treats which he just f'ing hates...for some reason bought a hammer there for $2.79, took a swing at a nail on my fence yesterday and the hammer bent in half.....and finally the tin foil I got there doesn't wrap shit...but...I..still love the place...why? ...."Cause that dog food be $5.50" "And it be Purina"

Hate/pity... the old 100 year old lady there in the house dress with the mustache, huge ankles and missing teeth digging in her purse to dig out the $7.83 for pantyhose, DG brand mustard, sardines and light bulbs she just shuffled up to the counter with....I am seconds from yelling "would you hurry up already, pay and and get in your Plymouth Duster and go back to your shanty"...Then she turns and says "thanks for your patience" and I feel like like the biggest turd in the world.....

There is always some nerdy manager in Andy Sipowitz gear (short sleeve shirt, tie) "managing" what appears to be a bunch of gangbangers and meth-heads...Do you think he knows some day he will be beaten and left unconscious by his subordinates in the back alley".....

Was watching Million Dollar Listing, Malibu must be great but I’ve seen bigger stretches of sand in Perth Amboy…

If you are next to me on a plane please don’t take off your shoes…I don't want to smell or see those gross feet….or as I call them..... “tootsies”

A scene from "Basketball Wives"  

“I was married to Sedale Threat” “Oh yeah well I was married to World B. Free”... Hunny I was married to Geurge Muresan….ggiiirll....we rich…oh here comes Olden Polyniece's wife, I hate that bitch....the end….

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