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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

You mean there was one?

Please pick 1 NCAA braket pool and play it and live and die with it...these people who have to do the one "real one" and the one "wacky one" where they have Belmont winning it all defeats the whole purpose...sorry had to get that off my chest...

There is no way to look cool in a "smart car", they are in one word..stupid....Way to tell the whole world you have no wife and kids....or girlfriend...or friends..

Is it normal to be driving on 195 and thinking "a sniper can take me out very easily from the woods here"....not sure that is....oh la vie (no way that is how you spell it)

Real Housewives of Miami

Ok, I am no hypocrite, or so I think, but not sure I need to see the pig they chose for their pig roast oinking around a pen, then draped over some guys shoulder deader than a door nail then shoved in the back of a Cadillac....Kind of distrurbed me but the ham sandwich I had the next day kind of squelched all that....

It appears Scottie Pippin spends his days lounging on a leather couch while his wife spends all his money...

Real Housewives of the OC...

I love how they are keeping the identity of Tamras latin boyfriend a secret...from the back of his head it appears to be Jose Canseco....

Did Vikki's daughter eat Don?

Tamra had to downsize into a...omg...grab the barf bag again...condo.....and it's only 3200 square feet....her life must be in shambles.....

Went to a Little League coaches meeting tonight...and there were 3 umpires there who gave a speech about how to act and the rules I grabbed my phone and texted to my buddy across the room .."rumor is these umps are giving free blowjobs in the parking lot after this"...

Sooo..... some wacky chick from high school wanted to "friend" me on facebook...took about 3-4 days to figure out who she was and even then was like I think I hated her guts and tried to block her out of my memory...anyway I clicked yes or confirm or whatever the fuck you click...then of course came the qoutes..combined daddy is sick with cancer pray for him...blah blah blah...John 3:14-6.9-(a) 1 says something too boring to read to interpret...blah blah blah....Daddy had a good day today, he had an ice chip...listen bitch I got my own problems (not really, I mean I did have to change the water in my hot tub last week and didn't feel like it, I guess that is a problem right?) I went in and clicked "defriend" or the chick is reqesting to be my friend every day for the last week...and I keep pressing ignore.......and it is now a question of who can outlast the other......the moral of the story is....don't ever push your religion on me or bore me for that matter unless you are really really really hot.....I mean really really really really hot....This chick was not hot....

Happy St. Patrick's day all.......

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