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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Something happened to them man....

Somebody told me today that he had a Skinny Girl margarita and it tasted like Mr. Clean with a dash of lime.....thank you very little Ms. Ever After ...

Not trying to get all William Miller on this site but am listening to the Broken Bells self titled 2010 album while typing this...I feel like I've taken a shower with Gary and Wyatt...a real "mindscrambler"...

Won our first Little League game today against Spring Lake..some coach on the other team kept saying "lock and load" to his players while I was walking off the field tasting the sweet smell of victory I muttered to myself "lock and load this... mother fucker"...ha

My pitcher had a perfect game after 4 innings and I pulled him out of mercy .....don't worry his father is my friend and assistant coach and agreed....but....thought after game....if my my drunken Drill Sergeant Little League coaches from the 70s would have heard about that they probably would have puked...but not before 20 dry heaves....and calling me a pussy...and making me run 20 laps....then calling me a pussy again...

Been watching the Daily Show with John Stewart...forgot how much I like my fellow suburbanTrenton homey and his moderate liberal like minded views...

Teen Dad 2...Gregg B. keeps getting me to try to watch this....the one thing I noticed..every teen dad has bad facial hair, old beat up baseball hats, poor teeth and weird ear piercings.....I never got laid in high school how the fuck did these losers ????

I did, however, in 9th grade....have a senior from Princeton Day school who lived down the street from me who would give me and my friends blow jobs every Saturday night while her parents went Scottish dancing...She was hot...but crazier than a shit house rat....let's move along....

Watched the Real World the guys on the show know there was a thing that was invented in circa 450 b.c. called ...a... shirt.....which they seem to have an allergy to...

These idiot guys barely put their bags down before proffessing their love for some housemate they've known for 45 minutes...

Sorry I don't find conjoined twins freaks me out man!!!!

Thank you for making another Fast and Furious about two years I will be on my couch at 10 pm on a Sat night after a few beers and I'll watch this...

One more thing...if anyone read the above and knew William Miller was the kid's name from Almost Famous...they are a fucking genious....

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