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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Watch the leather man.....

Typing this listening to the new Strokes CD, f'ing genious....

Funny... first I had records...then tapes, must have owned 3000 of those stupid tapes...speaking of tapes... what time we all wasted fast forwarding those things...then Cds...must have spend 17 grand on fucking CDs.... now I download and burn onto CDs...and people still call me a dinosaur...fuck them all....ha

My first record was Billy Squire "Don't Say No" which was such a corny title..Once Squire made that video for "Rock Me Tonight" in a pink guinny tee and tights rolling around on that bed it was all over.......

Speaking of genious, finally saw The Fighter, A- ...Christian Bale, unbelivable performance.....

Speaking of great charater actors, Phillip Baker Hall on Modern Family....amazing as Mr. Kleezak....

But..of course I can not mention character actors without the greatest character actor of all time...the late great JT Walsh...Google him.....please... underrated ...

I hope when Jersey Shore goes to Italy Sammy and Ron argue the whole fucking time.....

Hell... is you are on line at KMART buying a $3.99 tube of calk and you are waiting for 10 minutes becase one line is's fucking KMART....and a new line opens up and they make that dumb statement "I'll take the next asshole in line" and of course all the white trash losers at the end of the line run you are stuck and when you get up there some gross chick with a goatee asks you if you want to donate to the "March of Dimes"...but first has to ask you for your zip code....listen I came here to buy a tube of calk not solve the world's problems..and my zip code is better than figure it out..and ..have a bad day and thank you very little...fuck you...

And I need calk why?

Somebody at work asked me if I was in a bad mood Thursday and I said "yes I am" and kept walking....ha

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