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Thursday, March 24, 2011

What's all this one in a million talk?

Real World Las Vegas-

Adam doesn't like to talk about his time in Juuvie, he only likes to brag about it.....

Uh..Adam...there is a big black guy in the house and his name is Leroy...might want to cool it on the bottle smashing thing....

Hate how they all whine about their parents sold drugs..waaa...I was adopted and parents made me rent skiis for a whole season before buying...ok that I can relate to...

Caught a few moments of the latest Survivor..

A. I will never utter the words "Boston Rob"
B. Does the a-hole who wants everyone to pull their weight and says they do all the work in the stupid camp ever fiucking win?
C. Probst definately made a deal with the devil....

When I heard on the radio that Liz Taylor first thought was...Larry Fortensky definately poisoned her....

I know they say she was an icon...I just know her for her "arc" on General Hospital where she tried to like...use a machine to freeze the world or something? Am I the only one who remembers that?

BTW....No... I don't want to see Black Swan...I saw Billy Elliott and that should cover it.....

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