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Friday, March 11, 2011

Uncle Hulka?

The follwing statements are after 4-5 Bacardi drinks so bear with me....(okay 5-6)


Am coaching a Little League team, told the kids after every game, no matter what happens after games, we are getting ice make sure you bring two bucks each...

Also told them they are on my team for one reason and one reason only, the have hot moms....and their Dads that don't piss me go out there and get a hit...

Sometimes I feel like Loudin Swain and I am on a Lunatic Fringe.....

Speaking of Vision Quest where is the hell is Michael Shoefling....what a fucking d-r-e-a-m-b-o-a-t...way hotter than Molly Ringwald...

Why do I find a sudden urge to use the word "whoopie" when describing sex in a sentence...

Speaking of sex, internet porn seems to be never the milky way...was on one site and they had a section called "Recommended for you", thought to myself how the f' do they know I like those fake casting couch porn videos..then I thought to myself "holy shit, I am a sick fucker"....

I hate when people desribe porn or a strip club then try to say something like "or so I've heard" shut the f up, and man up and get real...then go just far enough to tell somewhat of the truth...(Sorry....Charlie Sheen moment)

Jersey Shore

Sammy please take those glasses off you look retarded

So a basic Saturday lunch in Staten Island at Vinnies house includes 30 family members?

Deena "d" or whatever her name is has added as much to the Jersey Shore and that little redheaded shithead Sam did to Season 7 of Different Strokes...Am so suprised that bowl headed carrot top's music career never skyrocketed..he played a mean geeetar...

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