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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Which Doobie you be?

Just came back from a big meeting at the Sierra Towers with myself, Chad Rogers, his dog Starla and Ron Richards....we basically sat around and bitched about Josh Flagg.

Saw the preview for the upcoming season for Million Dollar Listing and actually got giddy.....

So Camille and Kelsey Grammer are getting a divorce, she turned down 30 million, wants 50, I guess she is going after all that "Back to You" money...

Speaking of the Housewives/ Beverly Hills, remind me never to invite Russell to one of my "white parties"...

Probably going to miss the Hoarders finale, the one where the guy hoards... rats? WTF? Freaks me out manaaan.

Kevin Bacon- I guess you did lose all your money to Bernie Madoff, because I think I just saw you dressed up as an old man doing a web tv commercial? Shouldn't that only be shown in Japan? What's next Celebrity Ghost Stories?


I am not sure what the Glam Factory actually does...but I want my birthday party there too...

omg...Gigi's pictures were soooo amazing...I like the one with the bag over her head the best...

The fact I was wondering if Frankie would propose to Gigi at the birthday party makes me realize how wacked I may be...

Yeah Olivia I hate Dorie too...but I do have to admit...that eye was waaaay too smokey...

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