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Thursday, January 20, 2011

We don't have a cow...we have a bull....

Robert Deniro... I saw your Golden Globes speech and I actually saw Stanley & Iris and Jackknife and....they both sucked.....royally... Mad Dog and Glory was no picnic either...but your still the man...

Haven't seen any of those nominated movies......but something tells me Inglorious Bastards is better than all of them...

Talking about the teleprompter cutting you off is sooo 1999.....

Storage Wars

When I get older I hope I have hair like Barry Weiss...and dress like him....could probably do without the bidding on lockers full of others people's crap thing though

It appears only the shows "stars" bid on the lockers...what exactly are the other 15-20 people/riff-raff hanging out there for?

Missed the end of the Celebrity Rehab finale...Is Gummy Bear Jason Davis going to Sober Living or has he decide he is going to die....?

Jermey London's wife looks like she may have been hot once but fell victim to an awful frying pan in the face accident...

It's winter time so that means one thing at the shore..Polar Bear Plunges...yayy..ahh but it is for a good cause...skip jumping in the f'ing ocean and write a check people....

Ok maybe in a bad mood today but when did Facebook become one big ass kissing session? Just asking becuase it is getting nauseating...If I read one more post abut how beautiful someone kids are or how special a person someone is I may puke..

Watched "The X life" last night...then went out to try some tricks on my Schwinn Stingray..

Kelsey Grammer acting like he can hold down his vomit when he sees Camille may be his best acting job ever...

Beyond Scared Straight is beyond funny....

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