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Friday, January 7, 2011

Harry... your hands are freeezing....

Jersey Shore Premire

Ronnie charging at Deena Nicole must have done wonders for his Aggravated Assault court case last night....

Sorry but did Snookie really give a rundown on who is in the house to "D" on the drive down..."oh wait till you meet Paulie and see his hair"..... shut the F' up....

Just watched an episode of "I used to be Fat" on should be called "I used to be Fat but now I am just less Fatter"

Seriously though, it is great to see chicks who I would have scoffed at in college transform themselves into someone I probably would have had a drunken one night stand with then ignored afterwards..

Asked a co-worker at work today if she watched the Jersey Shore last night.....she responded no but that she liked "Guilianna and Bill"...I think I threw up in my mouth a little....Bill wants to live in the city..I want to live in the suburbs...lets cry and discuss it for 7 episodes....

Already sick of the homeless radio vioce guy's

And am even sicker how people seem to find it sooo amazing...omg some homeless guy has a vioce better than Rick on earth is he homeless..nevermind the awful teeth...scroungy hair...drug problem and iffy HIV status...

Oh not sure I've mentioned this yet but Modern Family is the best show on TV...f'ing genious...Thank you Brendan F. for turning me on to it....

I say that because I turned some guy at work onto he acts like he is the one who told me about f'ing annoying.....

Oh since I am mentioning my boy's names...Doug B. I forwarded Coach Coughlin your e-mail about him being too old..he told me to tell to to kiss his ass.....

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