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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

-those are friend prices...

Suprise suprise, Ted Williams...the radio homeless guy... has 9 kids whom he never paid child support for, was a pimp, thief, now in rehab but still soooo inspiring to millions of losers...his head isn't frozen like the real Ted Williams but it does look like it has been smacked around with the a wrench a bit like his...

Hollywood keeps cranking out original movies...The Roomate looks nothing like Single White Female.....

Is it me or do movies totally suck now....the last good movie I saw was "Taken". Wasn't that like 2007 or something...Tried to watch Inception....after 20 minutes I was like ....this is the retarded kid from Gilbert Grape isn't it.....(best acting job of all time by the way, robbed at Oscars)

Speaking of movies about speal needs peeps, not to get all Tropic Thunder, but the worst movie of all time on the subject is without a doubt: The Other Sister, basically Juliette Lewis and Giovanni Ribisi want to get married or something...ok....problem is they... are.... retarded...or are they?....they don't look retarded...but slow....and can't do math.....oh forget it, they can't be together...But Ma I muv him....awful...

I'd apologize for using the word retarded but I don't think my 1 follower will mind...

Yes I know I know Leonardo DiCaprio was on Growing Pains...blah blah blah... you want to kick some knowledge kick it to me that his name was Luke Bower and the first episode he was on was entitled "Stop, Luke and Roll"....Bam...

I gave up on American Idol about 4 years ago...but admit I will watch first episode to see the suckfest that it is going to be....

Ronnie and Sammy Sweetheart broke up...not sure how I am going to get up in the morning...Who else is he going to lie around silently with on a bed all night with now?...

Celebrity Rehab

Lief Garrett might be able make it to the end of the steps of the Pasadena Recovery Center before he uses again...Dude, might want to try Sober House...look what it did for Andy Dick...

Jeremy have to be strong for your son Lyric........whoooo've you already probably screwed up by naming him Lyric....

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