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Friday, January 21, 2011

Name's not's Roy...

Turned into the last 20 minutes of American Idol last night...still can't get over Steven Tyler on it, if Joe Perry was dead he'd be rolling over in his grave...

But then I thought...Rockin Rollercoster...Wii Rockband....Armageadun soundtrack...maybe not as big of a sell-out as I thought... and yes I know I spelled Armageadin wrong..too lazy to look up...

Red headed 16 year old who was picked on by bullies and has lisp who nailed it....tears rolling down my face...Check....Pudgy 15 year old with yellow teeth who sings like an "angel"...more tears...check 2....I think there is something in my eye....last semi-hot chick with special needs kid...ok I am all cried out here more tears.....kid looks fine to me...(Did I mention this was all in 20 minutres?)

Housewives of Beverly Hills Finale was one long depressing man Martin was definately looking for that eject button in that limo

So Kelsey Grammer cross-dresses...funny I always thought a guy with a name like "Kelsey" would be all-man.

The Situation made 5 million last year but he has to work in that stupid t-shirt store...C'mon...

Friend I really respected today asked me "who is Andy Coen?"...dude..brush up on your Bravo...

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