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Friday, December 31, 2010

You don't spell it son, you eat it....

Ok probably going to hell for that Dick Clark joke below but really dude....staying behind the scenes might a little more apprioriate now.....better yet....the guy is probably worth hundreds of millions..shoud'nt he be on a beach somewhere getting endless happy ending massages by Asian slaves?

Please tell me you saw the Dog the Bounty Hunter "Mercy Tour" bookmobile tour....Dog and his family meet couple at book signing in Fla. who adopted meth babies, they go their house, he asked them what they want in life..they say an addition on the house..he goes out to a motley crue of neighbors who gathered outside..asks who is a kid says he took it in high school...he says get your friends and build an addition, "I'll pay for it" then hops on a bus and goes back to Hawaii......

A. Must have missed the carpentry class in High School that taught you how to build additions on houses...

B. "Hey's Billy Bob...addition is done...hello Dog...Dog...I think he hung up on me"

I've seen that show many times, never once felt inspired.....I just like his outfits....

You could say anything to Dog and Beth and they can relate...or outdue....Me: Dog I've killed 4 cats while high on Ice...Dog: Bra, when I was a young buck I ate cats for breakfast every morning"

Sooo...they have about 20 kids ranging from ages 45 to 3?

Seriously though...probably will never be serious on this site ever again...watching that show....his book signings....across the see the people that are in with serious problems....people with ailments..drug addicted....even worse....fat....and.....ugly....hug your family and children tonight and be happy they are safe, healthy and happy....holy shit maybe it did inspire me.....

Speaking of massages...going for a "hot stone" massage this morning...guys you might get this....when they say get ready and I'll be back in a fews minutes to start....does anyone else panic for about a minute whether or not you should take off your boxers or not?

Never got a hot stone massage...when the first one gets put on I might whine..."ouch...that is hot...and I am very stuuufy"

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