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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Hush hush in the bush....

Not sure which song I like better Countess Luann whatever her name is "Money won't buy you class" or Kim whatever her name is "Don't be tardy for the party"... . one thing I do know is that they are both very talented men....

A. Money usually can buy you class
B. Isn't is always better to be a little tardy for the party?

I am waiting for Ne Ne's husband to pull an Ike Turner on her....

Now the American Picker guys are bringing Danielle along on the thing they are going to do it pay $65 for a Leather jacket and $40 for some vintage water skiis....

Hobo Jack....everyone loves Hobo Jack, what a character, don't make them like him aymore...national treasure..until he parks himself and his crap next to your property ....then you want him maced and arrested...

Anyone see James Franco on Inside the Actor's Studio....Ok actor but not exactly De Niro..."then you did a masterfull portrayal of the Green Golblin and followed that up with the role of a lifetime , Dale from the movie Pineapple Express....all the while having a day job on General Hospital" huh....

Watched the Goonies with my kids the other day, when Chunk says he loves sloth, he means as friends right? Right?

Remind me never to go to a dinner party with the Housewives of Beverly Hills..

Arrested Development is the most Underrated show of all time.....

Counting down the hours till Parks and Recreation comes back on air.....

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