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Friday, December 17, 2010

A Hospital, what is it....

When it is 11 pm at night and you are deciding whether to watch Andy Cohen's Watch it Live, it is time to reevaluate your life...when I say re-evalaute, I mean celebrate..on how AWESUME it is....

Housewives of Beverly Hills...I might have to rub my eyes here, maybe I saw unclearly but I think I just saw Kato Kalin and Faye Reznik on the same I know why I live on the east coast...

Is the one English chick married to Peter Nuune of Hermans Hermitts?

Uh Camille husband moved across the country for a year...reality check..not that into you...

Please tell me you saw John Beynor crying on 60 minites...his wife says she is pround of him and he bursts into tears? Now I know why Obama won't play golf with him....First his wife looks like Graham Greene, second if you are going to cry at least make it count..

For instance I cried during the following films:

Rudy- Not only did I cry but I think I needed tear duct surgery to replace my eyelids
Hoosiers: not sure but I think I cried during opening credits
Good Will Hunting: When Bennifer goes up to pick him up at the end and he is gone, my grandfathers casket might as well be in the apartment

Ok this is is where it gets wierd, I also cried during the following movies

-Waterboy? WTF I am mentally deranged but at the end when he won the blue bonnet bowl or whatever the fuck it was I....well I already copped to it (See the Best of Times...same issue) shit I think I also cried in Varsity Blues now that I think of it...there is a pattern here...
-Rock Star..Saw this in the theater with Gregg B. and Chrissy L. and yes I for some reason cried and they caught me, and I think they've secretly held against me ever since...
-Every episode of Modern Family...yes I know it is a comedy but when there is about 70 seconds left in that show...for some reason I well up when they get all me me an idiot...Ok I am an idiot...

Now let's talk about films that scarred me..talking about films where crying was the third problem I had..the first two being scarred for life and nightmares which still haunt me 32 years later...

A. Elephant Man: WTF, why would a 8 year old kid watch this? I slept sitting up for 5 years after watching this movie (only kidding)..only for 2....
B. Mask: For a a-hole 10th grader I was, who once stayed home from school because I had a big zit... this kid rocked, but he also fucking freaked me out...How Eric Stoltz (see earlier post) does not have an Oscar for this is a crime. He should get the Oscar alone for meeting Rocky Dennis and keeping down his food...

Yeah if I don't see you Happy Holidays too....whatever that means, what if I see you before Xmas?, does that mean we have to go through this bullshit exchange again....

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