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Sunday, December 12, 2010

It's a big building with patients.....

Here are a couple questions growing up watching TV that are still unanswered to me

-Mr. Willis was a millionare, had a housekeeper but Arnold and Willis had bunk beds and had to share a room? Thanks Dude...oh and we are going to public school too, thanks again money bags....

-Speaking of Millionares the house on Silver Spoons appeared to be a Mansion, why did they always hang out in the foyer?

-Why wasn't the fact that Roger and Dee's father was a chubby chaser not addressed? Do yo think he nailed Shirley too?

-Just how cheap was that rent exactly on Three's Company? They were so afraid of losing that crappy apartment, Chrissy probably coudl have gotten free rent anyway by sucking off Mr. Furley....

-Speaking of cheap artments, how cheap was the rent for Buffy and Hildegard? C'mon guys, pony up the extra $50 a week so you won't have to dress like drag queens...

-Why was Mork doing on that episode of Happy Days? So Fonzis two enemies were the Malichi Brothers and.....Mork?

How about Mork and Mindy..he lands on Earth and a hot chick says he can stay with her, but he can only live in the attic.....thanks bitch.....Can I eat out of the garbage too....

-So Laverne and Shirley moved to LA and everyone they knew said "what the hell we will too?" Ha... look Lenny, Squiggy and Carmine Ragusso followed us here, that's not too weird....

Wouldn't the owner of the Love Boat say these things after a few years

-Why is this 14 year old invovled with the Operation? I don't care who your father is you little priss
-Doc please stop banging all these's lawsuit waiting to happen....
-Dammit Merle who is steering the ship while you are on all these dinners with your ex loves? And pull those socks up....
-Issacc I like your attitude, now make me a gin and tonic...

So if you were dating someone you supposedly loved, and she was a housekeeper and was treated like a dog, and you were a succesful butcher, wouldn't you take her away from all that? Sam you are an a-hole...

Celebrity Rehab....What is this, I thought Rachel Uchitel was supposed to be hot...she looks like a bloated Charro.....

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