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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tell the more cheese

Sat on Rt. 35 behind plow trucks/police cars for 30 minutes on Tuesday...not sure what was going on....some kid with his girlfriend in car behind me started honking his horn? Kept it up every 5 minutes for 3 miles....Really dude? Thought to myself..If I have to get out of my car and punch him in the face can I take him...then I noticed he was driving a White Volkswagon Jetta and realized...yes I definately could...

Celebrity Rehab Finale

Janice Dickenson must of told her plastic surgeon...I want every part of my body tucked but NOT the neck...That stays...

When I was in 3rd grade Lief Garrett was a god to every girl in my class...if he walked up to those girls today they would probably blow their rape whistles....

Jeremy London.or..Jason London which one is it again...screw it I don't care...Was that his Dad or Reginald Denny?

I actually teared up when Eric Robert reunited with his step-son. You know the one who only agreed to be reunited so that his band could play at the end.

Was it me or did the cops that came to talk to Huugie Bear aka Jason Davis seem like they have had this coversation with him many times before....4 LA cops to see if he was ok? I guess that Bllod-Crip problem is settled.

The movie Sherlock Holmes was actually not as crappy as I thought it was going to be...solid B...Didn't know Holmes and Watson were lovers though....RDJ and Law had Brokeback Mountain chemistry...When Rachel McAdams showed up on screen I said to myself  "what is sheee doing here"...

Here is a deleted scene I obtained from the original Karate Kid script that was taken out and they did not want you to see

Alli: I started dating Daniel Laruso
Alli's Friend: the guido kid from Jersey?
Alli: yeah
Alli's friend: the one that lives in the welfare motel and always has
bruises on his face?
Alli: His shower costume at the Halloween party won me over
Alli's Friend: But Johhny is hot and rich
Alli: yea you are right, I'll dump him right after the All-Valley Karate

In the words of Dick Clark "Hacky Nu Yea"

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