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Thursday, December 9, 2010

But that's not important right now...

Why do I watch that TMZ show on Channel 5?

-"Hey we got Judd Apatow on Sunset, and he got some ice cream, I think it was strawberry"....

I love the great questions they ask the "celebrities"...."Hey Keifer, going on a flight?" Uh yeah dipshit, I am at the airport....

Who exactly was looking for a Tron sequel? I seem to remeber the video game sucking royally as well...

The following are movies I paid for at the Theater and walked out of before they ended

1. Tron (see above)
2. Weekend at Bernies 2 - Mc Carthy you were in Fresh Horses for goodness sakes, act like you've been there before...
3. Hudson Hawk- Willis made up for it with Striking Distance, as we were all clamoring for a movie about River police
4. Awakenings-Robin Williams trying to get Robert Deniro in a wheel chair catatonic to catch a tennis ball for 3 hours
5. Speed (only kidding)

Speaking of movies.....where is Eric Stoltz?


Went to the Gatsby Salon yesterday, got my hair washed by Phillipo, then Gigi, Frankie and I went on a Ferris wheel....Frankei set the whole thing up, he is so romantic..

The one girl looks like Jesse Ventura with a wig.....

If the girls that worked there just used a little make-up they would be hot

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills...

Still waiting for the Camiile Grammer Irritable Bowel syndrome special episode...

Meet the Parents was funny, Meet the Fockers was kind of stupid and Meet the Focker kids looks like a suckfest...

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