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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time for some time for some action...

Drove by that place "Aldi" food stores today and thought...don't look... that is not for me...kind of like reading the obituaries....dollar stores ok..Aldi...hell no dog...

Speaking of the obits...when I keel over...don't put some glam shot of me up there...please put up the real old ragged fucked up pic...with the tubes out of my nose and last minute shit.....

People who think Obama was not born in the US or even fucking care need to get laid.....

Real World...Gee thanks Leroy...we finally are about to get rid of Adam and you are now breaking glass to make a point? I get the point, it is wrong to break glass...thanks I gotta get a pair of tweezers to dig out glass from my heels for the next 3 months...

Watched the Office again with Will Ferrell aka De Angelo Vickers...get your senoiritis's Lake Havisu time...priceless....

The show "Relapse" is's sad....uplifting...depressing...all in one...kind of like a trip to Kmart....

I appreciate when Home Depot thinks enough of us to have a self-checkout station......but then please tell the annoying lady working the "area" that I don't need her breathing down my neck while I swipe the shit...this isn't a rubics cube...I know what I am doing....

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