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Friday, April 15, 2011

Tap the bottle and twist the keg.....

Driving to work today and was thinking:

Why do these strip club bartenders aka wanna be strippers that work in strip clubs think they are above it all? Just because you don't drive a Mitsubishi Eclipse convertable doesn't mean you won't be on the pole in 4 months....Strip club bartender =unsure nervous stripper in training

Was thinking bout my 80s mall experience:

A. I credit Space Port with my immune system being so good...probably caught and fought off 30 diseases in that place. Besides avoiding being molested and waking up in a tub full of ice missing a kidney...
B. Sharper Image..Wow..things from the future like a cork screw that is battery operated...could they tell the future? No,  you want to impress me...have an Ipod in a glass case in '88...that would have been impressive ....losers....(Thank you Doug B) (Gregg B. Spencers????) No thanks don't need a wacky black light....
C. Chess Club...It wasn't a club..had nothing to do wth Chess....cashed in on parachute club and Chams shirts....and the people that worked there thought they were gods..and are probably all now dead from AIDS...
D. Why was thier always some chinese inspired place that sold rock posters? Ours in the Quakerbridge Mall was called Oriental Pearl..was probably an happy ending place in the back...

Who the fuck are these poeple who are paying for porn? If you want to see the whole movie go to blah blah blah .com and pay $9.99. Uhmm I can get the first 18 minutes and 39 seconds for free...unless the rest of the movie is going to tell me the meaning of life or what the ending of Sopranos was about I'll pass....

So Adam was tossed off the Real some new girl is coming in...and of course she is "sassy" dare she disrupt their 3 week old "family".....

Adam...David...Puck...all kicked out..but Steven wasn't for slapping Eileen..why? ....because she was nuts from lyme's disease and deserved it...

Acution Wars

It appears Brandy and Jarrod are making their power play...yyyyyuuuupppp...

Has Barry Wiess ever made a profit? I wonder if he wore his skeleton gloves when he jerked off in his antique spitoon.....

Undercover Boss-Is it  a requirement of every CEO that they be a total fucking nerd?

Speaking of porn....if I hear German or French from their voices...ehhhhwwwwww

Went to a Science Fair/Art show at my kids school last night...Love my kids and the school...ok now that we got that out of the way...after about 20 minutes I said to me wife "how long do I have to walk around acting like I give a shit?"

Watched the Office last night...Will Farrell genious...wasn't blown away but the fact his name is De Angelo...genious....

Rob Lowe dancing on Parks/Rec........ok refuse to say it more time....genious

Was in Macy's yesterday...saw a hooded sweatshirt I liked...was $29.99 maked down to $20.65..being the cheap fuck I am thought to myself....Jedi Mind Trick...walked up to cashier...young hot Indian chick and said...this says $20.65 but I think this may be 70% off.....she scanned it isn't...I said ok I'll buy...she back in a minute...comes is 70% off...that will be $8.29....these aren't the driods you are looking for......try it...believe it....

Dave Grohl might be one of the coolest rockstars of all-time....

Will say this once and once only....Howard Stern is a gift from the gods...Whoever does not have Sirius radio is missing out.....

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