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Monday, April 18, 2011

Hear the drum and get wicked....

Got caught up in the Saddle Ranch/Audrina/Mob Wives VH1 marathon last night...

They should call the Mob Wives show Stupid Whor.....uhmm I mean they are lovely young women...let's move on....

Audrina's show is boring...prob because she is....there is only way that show will survive...three words...Sir....Justin..... Bobby....

Saddle Ranch-The owner runs a tight ship...Reminds me of Gregg B's Palm Grille days.....

Real Housewives of the OC

Sooo Eddie says he owns a Law Office...but he is not an attorney....but his Dad is one....and says it is a family business...huh???...that is calling leeching off your parents to the fullest dude....C'mon man you could have at least faked your way through some shitty Law School to at least make it look good...

Slade..... you fat tubba wubba of shit....I am suprised he even goes out in public without a housedress....

Slade and Gretchen love their dogs like children...hate when people say this....the only people that do are....people without children.......once the baby is born...its aww fuck I gotta walk the fucking dog...

Uhh... Don... when your wife says she would rather be at the Insurance office than with you...time to take that half that business and start waving around middle fingers......

And Vicky it is an are supposed to shut your fucking trap....Insurance is not interesting...

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