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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Put the needle on the record...

Real World...Dustin....dude it's Go Carts...not Nascar least he wore a shirt

Newsflash: If your girlfriend or boyfriend goes on the Real World...move to Russia.....or break up with them first....quickly

Tell me if this is weird, was looking at my hair in the morning and said to myself..."my hair looks like Bruce Greenwoods"....another underrated character actor....then I thought to myself in a non-My Sister Sam/ Rupert Pumpkin kind of way...I bet we would get along....ok I made that part up....the part about getting along....but my hair is starting to look like his....

Simon from the Real Housewives of  NYC strikes me as the kind of guy who would be caught in a men's restroom at the Vince Lomardi rest stop pulling a Larry Craig at 3 am in the morning with Jim Mc Greevey..

Speaking of Simon and Alex...did I hear correctly...perhaps I should turn my miracle ear up...Alex is pursuing a modeling career? Well it's about time....

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