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Sunday, April 3, 2011

You guys had shirts on when you came in here...

Please tell me you saw the Celebrity Apprentice where Meatloaf goes bat out of hell on Gary Busey for stealing his paints....only to find out they were in a bag in the corner...easy Robert Paulson..don't fuck with Mr. Joshua...and would you really call the guy "Meat"?  His real fucking name is Marvin....I looked it up....

Please also tell me you saw this week's Secret Millionare...where the owners of the "Curves" franchise gave away 380 charity... But the couple liked one of the reformed real Gs so much that worked in one of the Centers that they gave him 20 grand...and I think they alluded to him using it for the end they showed him with a used powder blue Cadillac Deville and the caption said he bought the car with the money to get to and from the Charity Center....they forgot to add start a pimping business....and by the way who the fuck goes to Curves?

I've come the conclusion that Bobby Zarin is one cool cat...I can't believe I just typed that....

On the flip side Donald Trump Jr. is a little creepy.....

Do me a favor...if you are on Facebook...Please don't put on your status what you ate or had to eat and if someone you know types that...please do not respond "Yum"....

Tamra could not make Fernada's citizenship party...what a shame because it looked like a real bash...balloons and everything....

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