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Monday, February 28, 2011

F' Jeff Goldblum, man!

The Oscars...

Kirk Douglas...Awwwkkkwwaaarrd...The guy was he's the creepy incoherant old guy from the Oscars who wouldn't shut up...He has somehow managed to make Cameron Douglas the 2nd most emarrassing Douglas...Dude, realize you had a stroke but do you still really need the limelight that much at 107?

Must have missed the movies that made Hugh Jackman this revered movie star? Was it Swordfish or Wolverine? Anyway...the Aussie who should be having his ass kissed is Russell Crowe, not this guy...

Instead of playing the songs to get the winners off the stage..why not just have someone yell "get the fuck
off......we don't care"

J. Franco was high right?

Pet Peeve alert: Sorry but can't stand these things and have to get off my chest...

A. When someone says someone " Dropped the F'bomb"
B. When someone says they "party like a rock star"...
C. When someone starts off a sentence with the words "Me thinks..."

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