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Thursday, February 10, 2011

outin glieben glouten globen...

My Life as Liz...Yes it must be so tough being 18, having your own TV show and living in NYC...quit your whinning....hippie....

Is it me or is Steven Tyler and J Lo starting to look like other?

Did Ryan Seacrest really just call the first week of Hollywood "hell week"??? The kids that get getting cut are acting like they have to board the first train to Aushwitz after they don't make it... If you are banking on being an American Idiol you better have a serious sitdown with Sir Taylor Hicks....he won and still is a nobody... I could not tell you who even won last year even if you put a gun to my head....

I love when they plead like little wussies when they don't make it..."please give me another chance" or "I know I can do this".. ...why not just say "I'll suck your d**ck" Randy"....maybe that will work....

I love how they always say at the end of the show how "long" it was....You know who has a long day Randy...Longshoreman....Coal miners...they have long days...

Watched Rocky II last night and came to a conclusion: Mickey Goldmill was a man's man.....

Sat down the other night and popped open a watermelon Bartles and James wine cooler....l-i-v-i-n-

Ok I know the above statement is stupid but for some reason it made me laught when I typed it...sorry

Movie Reviews

Wall Street II- Gorden Geckos daughter never wanted the $100 million....uh..yeah ok...a movie about bad credit default swaps..uh ok again...... Grade= Where's the LaBeuf= C +

The Social Network..Bravo Mr. Timberlake...Bravo... Grade: B+

Will be on vacation till 2-18-11 visting the great territory known as Puerto Rico...please check back then....all two of you....thank you for your support....

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