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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Threat Level Midnight...

I unfortunately caught the Jersey Shore last night...I thought Ronnie was supposed to be keeping it real with Xenodrine? Guy was sobbing all over the place...There's no crying at Karma!

I hope they change the sheets in the "smush room"....or at least kick a little Fabreeze in there....

Not feeling the Real Housewives of Miami yet....Or should I call it the Real Housewives of the NBA...."I am so succesful and rich, I run the house and finances"...oh yeah by the way I am married to Scottie Pippin...little tidbit...

The one chick's Mom looks like Vincent from that old Beauty and the Beast TV show....

Please someone tell me they saw the latest X-Life when Cory visits his deranged family.....genious...and sad....but more genious....

There is a guy at my work, works in the mailroom, is a little off, he calls me "Mark" ...problem is my name is not Mark.....corrected him at first but now I just answer to "Hi Mark"...Did I mention this has been going on for 10 years...

Is there a grosser thing than watching someone eat cheesefries?

My buddy Gregg B. tells me he went to the movies to see No Strings response: You fucking paid for an Ashton Kutcher movie? Then he tried to pass it off as a Ludicris movie....He rebounds that he thinks he "caught a glimpse of Natalie Portman's rosie nipple in one of the scenes" get a pass...this time...

My wife tells me the other day that saying Really?....Really ? after something is said is played out and stupid....Then I heard someone say it in a 7-11 and realized how f'ing right she is....thank you Ms. Ranchwood, thank you..

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