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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My name is Roger Murdoch...I'm the co-pilot....

Real Housewives of the OC

Slade's stick figure art was so bad it almost made me forget he was 3.2 lbs. overweight...

Vickie and Don, I think I am on Team Don......Vickie's wwhooo hoo has suddenly turned into booo f'ing hoo (Did I just type that?)

Speaking of I don't think Vicki could wear Alexis Couture with that whole ass bleeding thing....

Is Alex's husband Jim a porn director? Sure looks like one.... and by the way dude.... the tag is the least of that clothing line's problems....

I kind of want that stupid smile wiped off of Eddie's face...

James Spader fucking genious on the Office....welcome back Steph....

TMZ - those meetings are a hoot huh, basically whoever opens up their mouths gets huge fucking laughs....but problem is they don't say anything funny, also

A. I want to shove that water bottle straw up Harvey's nose....
B. The guys who makes the quips on the videos about the "celebs"...let's just say I hope gets runs over by a moped....
C. Is it me or are they reaching a bit? Ahhh...uuuhhmm.....we got Alex Winter....Ted from Bill and Teds...walking on Sunset.....he says he's not aware of a Bill and Teds 3 CNN.....

Mob Wives outstanding Sun night....dinner party from hell...or in other words a typical dinner party in Staten Island....

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