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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't stop Planet Rock...don't stop

Caught the end of the Real Housewives of NJ premire and all I can say is....WTF is going on? These people can really fuck up a Christening.....

Here's the video of your christening darling...what a wonderful day....your dad rolled around the floor with your Uncle swinging at each other....oh here's daddy fighting with his sister calling her garbage.....oh... pause this so everyone can come in and see..... here is Daddy again yelling in Grampa's 90 year old face....magical day...

Can we have one "re-union show" where someobody does not rip off their mike, say "I'm outta here", go in a stairwell and cry repeating "I'm done" over and over....and of course the ever popular "stop filming"....just once....

Can't stop watching Parking it when people wait in line for 3 hours, then when they get up to window act like it is so crazy that you have to show insurance and registration to get their car out of a lot...."don't make no damm sense"....

So you parked illegally, ripped up your parking ticket, your car gets who's fault is it.....the city's that's who.....Thanks alot Detroit.......

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