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Friday, July 1, 2011

Didn't know they grew 'em so small on the farm

Mob Wives-

Lee cheated on Drita, can't believe a bankrobber would do that?

Great idea of having a knock down drag out fight on a roof top bar....


I totally understand Jill, Simon has been cyber-bullying me too....

So Theresa shows us Joe's cock ring....and you say they have no class...shame on you...

One of the best movie qoutes ever...."What I just saw out there made me sick"...Roy Turner Bad News Bears....

My Mork & Mindy musical is coming along...I am going to call it "Shazbutt"...

Everytime I watch Extreme Home Makeover...whenever Ty Pennington says "Welcome Home blah blah blah family...welcome home"... I...(in between sobs) ....say.....out loud..."and good luck paying those heating and electric bills"....

Little something I like to call...Pooping at work

A. Love the blatantly unecessary flush or cough when someone comes in...ok...realize you are in there, I am not going to come in and sit in your lap.... don't worry..ok I do it too....

B. Are the machine gun farts necessary before taking a crap dude 

C. Are you taking some toilet paper or rolling out a baseball tarp...easy bro...

D. Does your belt buckle have to be playing a tune on the floor throughout this ordeal?'s bad enough you came in when I did and gross enough I can hear you....
Happy Fourth of July.... 

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