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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Phi Slamma Jamma

Tonight on a very special Real Housewives of OC Outakes Special Tamra's idiot son goes under the take out something in his chest as a result from taking steriods...what an idiot..I would expect someone with Tamra for a mom to be more grounded...for some reason I watched the whole fucking was almost like I was on the operating table with him...except I didn't really care if he made it.....

Also tonight on very special House Hunters some loser who is wearing a JC Penny polo shirt doesn't want to buy a house for whopping 180 grand because the second bathroom doesn't have two sinks...escuse me sink has done me and my family just fine in our hovel......

I'd like to shove a bucket of flan in Rocco DiSpirto's face.....Hasn't this guy already had 5-6 shows...all losers....and getting Liza Minelli will not get me to watch...ok maybe just the first show...hellllloooo Friscooooo....

Storage Wars: Would Dave Hester and Darryl Sheets just do it already...Dave could yell yuuup while Darryl can ask him of that was enough wow favor for him after they are done making love....

Kid Movie alert: Disney's Oceans good kid nature movie...

People please lose the leather cell phone holders that clips to your belt...just tatoo "dork" on your forehead instead...

Real Housewives of NJ

Gia is such an amazing gymnast...7th to blame your showing on your Uncle who you are weirdly too much into not being there....

Caroline while you are at NJ101.5 please run over Jim Gearhert with your SUV.....

Does Joe Gorga have a mint in his basement that prints money...he does right....

Saddle Ranch- No matter what their differances are...they can always rally around the mechanical bull.....brings a tear to my the way anyone know where I can get a Saddle ranch Headband???

Yes....Audrina's career is taking off....she was just asked to be on Celebrity awards here we come....

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