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Monday, July 25, 2011

Yo I ain't no toast....

Housewives of NYC

You are not pregnant Ramona....your just stupid.....

Is that Simon or Rip Taylor?....

Jimmy Fallon's "Thank you notes" book is fucking hysterical....

Housewives of NJ

Who the hell does Kim G think she is? Speaking it my imagination or is she the hottest 80 year old you've ever seen...

How exactly does someone who is declaring bankruptcy have personal stylists to do their hair and make-up for a X-mas party? I better shut up though or Joe Guidice  might do a roundhouse kick to my head...

Something tells me in a few years when Joe Gorga is declaring bankruptcy himself he's going to wish he had that 50 grand back he spent on that party....

Movie Review Alert- Take Me Home Tonight starring Sir Topher Grace....Very Entertaining

Why are there no hot Hoarders?

Celebrity Rehab

Adler...just move in dude....

Did Amy Fisher catch a Dr. K Dwight Gooden fast ball to her lip?

Sean Young was once the hottest chick in she looks like an extra from the Lord of the Rings....

Thinking of a word to describe Michael Lohan...I know...Turd...

I'm pretty sure the chick that works there , Shelly, is actress Judy Greer....

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