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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cut me some slack Jack....

So over NYC Housewives and their stupid Morocco trip...please wake me when A. it is over or B. one of them is bitten by a cobra

Finally broke down and got a Bluetooth to use when I am in the car, now I feel like punching myself in the face everytime I look in the rearview mirror

Millionare Designers-great new show....I think...something tells me a bunch of gay designers=mid-season catfights....

Housewives of NJ...nothing like a Thanksgiving episode in the summer.....when those poor kids think of their thanksgiving memories a vision of two guidos riding a mechanical bull making out will surely scar them all for life...

Now it makes sense...the fued between the families is all over a poorly worded congratualtions card and a batch of wonder it has gotten so nasty.....

OC: I know there was pushing, wine throwing, arguing, crying in the finale....I just wish Tamra would lighten up with the black eye liner....Take it easy Alice Cooper....

I am on to you bending over facebook profile people are hiding something and bending over in a weird contortion isn't going to solve it.....much like the crazy puckered lip pose with glasses on and peace sign up pic.....take the glasses off, unpucker those lips, stand straight up and let's see what you got....

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