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Thursday, June 16, 2011

You like movies about Gladiators?

Millionare Decorators:

How many VHS tapes of Girls Gone Wild did Joe Franscis fucking sell? A staff of 12 in his Mexican Villa? I can honestly state that I have never seen one of those tapes...don't like my dirt that clean....

Martyn Lawence Bullard looks like he's spent some time in a public restroom with George Michael...

Housewives of NJ

So Ahsley wants to be Carrie Bradshaw....unfortunately she looks like Chris Nardi with a wig on.....

Starting to like Joe Gorga but have a funny feeling he is 4 foot 9 with boots on...

Haven't seen the new Teen Wolf on MTV but Bateman already destroyed the franchise so fuck it.....

Let me guess this straight...the new crappy Tom Hanks-Julia Roberts movie is about Tom Hanks going back to college after he is fired from Walmart because he doesn't have a college degree?  I thought all you needed to work at Walmart was half of your teeth?

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