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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Off the top of my head

Housewives of Beverly Hills....

Camille I know why Kelsey Grammer jumped off that stage...

I seem to remember the old wrinkled one as a child actress, I think she was an extra in the Cat from Outer Space
Can't tell if the Malouf chick is 36, 38, 40 or 60?
Why do they all have kick ass bodies but fat ass ugly kids?....oh yea, they married mutants....... with large bank accounts...
How exactly does someone like Ne Ne get a Bently and a Mansion?
Parking Wars
How many tickets do these people get, where are they parking, on people front lawns?
You think Garfied and Sherry take baths together?
Love the people who wait in line for 5 hours then get up to the front and forget their Insurance card and Registation, then take it out on the poor slob working behind the counter...
Real Life my Parents are Broke
Yeah....because they drink , smoke and don't work....
Real Life I Gamble
Can't decide if the guy who has no job, a baby on the way, had 6 grand in his hand and gave it back to let it ride is a f'ing loser or my hero
Adam Corrolla's new book....In 50 years we will all be chicks is genious...
Can't bring myself to waych Invictus...why?....because I think Rugby is stupid...
Nothing better than having the under and a rainstorm moves in.....the simple things in life
A buddy of mine asked me how many kids went to my high school,  I said 300...went home to look online...1200...1200 kids went to my high school...
Few sports thoughts...
Any team winning on a Monday Night game is going to the SuperBowl according to Gruden
Rames Barden...hardly knew ya...
Bring back Guy Whimper.....
Time to end the Eagles hype....

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