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Friday, November 19, 2010

Nice car Ms. Laruso.....

Was at gym today minding my own business when some guy comes up to me and goes "can I cut in for a set"
A. Place was empty
B. I will be done in 2 minutes
C. Do you have emergency surgery in 20 minutes Doctor?

If I am the really old guy in the gym working out in jeans please put a pillow over my head....

Hate the pople who do the wierd exercises to get noticed...Let's wrap giant rubber bands around my body and bend to the side while holding a kettle bell.....

Hate the aholes who stop and stare at the Business news on TV for a prolonged period of time...relax Gecko....

and If I am ever in a mob flash dance please shoot me knee caps out...


Why do they all say "I don"t know how it got like this". You mean you don"t know how the house may smell and look cluttered after you crapped in plastic bags for 10 years and threw them in a room? Still scarred by that episode.

If a possum is living next to your toaster, might be time to reevaluate things...

If you are a man, and a Hoarder and over 60, it is a federal law you need to carry around an oxygen tank?

I like to watch the show Intervention because I like the feeling that people are more screwed up than me...OMG that guys is drinking at 10 am, I at least wait till 12.....

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