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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Get'em a body bag...yyyeahhhhh...

Great Holiday commercial time again, and we can again feel like losers because evidently people are giving wach other Lexus's all over the place...

Here is your Lexus Honey...oh forgot..payments are 578 a month.....

Speaking of commercials, people that laugh at commercials are idiots...

He went to Jarret and got me a bracelet for 119 dollars, wow...aftger that he went ovet to Chik-fil-et and ate a sandwhich in the food court

Watched Memento the other night....f'ing genious...

Boardwalk Empire

Everytime I look at Jimmy Darmady I think to myself...Ok try to forget he was Henry on Dawson's Creek....

Didn't realize Al Capone was 4'11..... day they are in winter coats the next day they are people on the beach...this is Atlantic City NJ

No waitress I don't want coffee or dessert, it's bad ebough this dumb meal is costing me $90


Hate the kissey poos you have to do when you get there...Hi, barely know you, you are my brother in laws Aunt I think, why the f do I have to kiss you hello again?

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