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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leave him alone Johnny....he's had enough....

Was watching the Housewives of Atlanta and the blonde chick with the wig keeps saying her boyfriend.."Big Poppy" was famous but doesn't want to be part of show....So I thought and thought...who could it be..I know.....David Ortiz....

Those guys from the Buried Life are the biggest bunch of aholes....We sat around and made a list of things we wanted to do before we lets travel around on a bus for weeks on end with no chicks in sight.......While we are at it why don't they pick up Andrew Jenks so we can have a 5 way orgy.....

AudioSlave's 2nd and last a genious and Chris Cornell is a rock god...

Sometimes I feel like Margaret from the book "Are you there God, its me Margaret"......Then I realize Margaret is a girl and I would probably want to f her.....Then I realize that book sucked....

What happened to that Show on VHI about reuniting bands...I am dying to see how the boys from Spandau Ballet are doing....

American Pickers

Love the one where the guy would rather build a fence around his crap than pick it up...

and the one where they try to sell old gas pumps to Steve Urkel....

Here is a hint...if it is worth 3 grand and made of metal, might not want to leave outside....

Here is a Facebook post I wrote but then erased, figured might not go over well "I don't care about a cute thing your kid said, or that you are sick or that you just ate something yummy, or that you got laid off....or stressed....wwwwaaaa..and I especially don't care that it is your birthday..I hate you all.....

Off to the liqour store to load up on some Four Loco...

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