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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wang dang sweet poontang....

Million Dollar listing NYC

They hate to do this but will do it this one time and one time only, they will give part of thier commission to make the sale, now they only get 95k each.....they are such humanitarians......

Michael is making my way up in the business the hard way...from the bottom up...oh...and his Dad owns the company ...little tidbit....

Anyone who pays $700 for a bathing suit deserves to be on a vacation in Thailand and see a big wave coming at them.....

Do you think that kangaroo in that guys apartment secretly hates him?  I do....

Frederik seems like the kind of guy I would love to have a beer with.....

Was at a party last week and a couple of my buddies who have girls who play basketball were going on and on about women's basketball...omg....Shabaaz lost to St. Joe's, Manasquan had a good game with St. Rose blah blah blah.....Baylor has a girl that can dunk blah blah.....I finally could not take it anymore and blurted out to them that I would rather watch gay porn than women's basketball.....

Before anyone thinks I am sexist etc. for saying that I also fucking hate watching men's hockey too...

Memo to the guys at my gym, can you take a crap at home BEFORE you get

Watched Shawshank Redemption last night for the 33rd time, and still cried like a baby at the end...

No,  I will not watch Storage Wars CSI: Texas or whatever it is called, I have my favorite locker buyers and can not cheat on them...

Duck Dynasty: Ok I guess more people hunt ducks than I thought....

Having trouble watching Real Housewives of Orange County...why you ask...because I finally realized an hour of my life is not worth watching an argument between Eddie and Tamra in which Tamra is upset Eddie high-fived Vickie because she doesn't like her man "touching other women"...Even just typing that made me gag....

And Jersey Shore is out too...and anyone who says the word Snookie and acts like they aren't sure how is say it is full of shit....What's her name "Snoky, Snoopy" shut the fuck up you watch the show and damm well know her name, rank and serial number bitch....

Please please somebody win the Mega Millions so I don't have to fucking hear any more fucking idiot people tell me if they won they'd quit their job, or worse keep their job like some badge of bullshit....or buy a boat, pay off this and that..give this to this off college....shut the fuck up......!!!!!!

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