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Thursday, September 8, 2011

That's the name they gave me.....

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Camille is such a great person, donating her used shoes to the needy and all...

Maybe Adrianne and Paul can donate the $2200 dollar empty bottles of champagne to the toys for tots program as well..

Speaking of tots.....Toddlers & Tieras...only caught 15 minutes of this show before I gagged...Thoughts:

A. Live it up little chicks...the future is not bright...why you ask....because your Moms appear to be ugly fat pigs with awful poodle haircuts....
B. The show should be called Future Date Rape Victims
C. Are the pedofiles allowed on camera or do they just hang in the lobby until taping is over?

Watched the Jersey Shore episode where Ronnie and Mike fought then the whole house cried, yelled at each other then moped around for the rest of the episode....very uplifting.....

Also watched an episode of a few of the kids wanted to kill some innocent birds in the back yard with a b-b gun, then afterwards tget all go off to I missing something here?.....

Jenny from Flipping Out...please...stop rapping.... Sister Soulja you are not....

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