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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Who's this Gary character?

Watching Little League World Series....the Keystone, PA moms are NOT milfs....I am guessing that is where they make Keystone beer, explains alot.....

Watched Superheroes again...few more thoughts...

A. The Extreme Cave needs a Trading Spaces makeover from zenmaster Vern Yip....
B. After curing the ill, telling the future and dazzling the ladies Master Legend's whopping thirst can only be cured by a Busch Light tallboy....
C. Is the Mayor of Chula Vista, home of the famous Chula Vista groper, in the Beach Boys?

For some reason watching a marathon of Downsized......Does downsizing usually include keeping your Mercedes and 7 other cars?

My guess is the marriage of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries will end as soon as he becomes the PF for the Sioux City Rapids of the NBDL.....

Hate talking about commercials but would please someone settle this for "Jess" from those stupid annoying Dominoes pizza commercials a dude or a chick?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

This is Mooney's bike now.....

Why did I watch back to back episodes of Flipping Out last night....all I can say is that Chazz will no longer cut my hair now that he didn't hire Jeff for the NY job...bastard...VIP room my ass...

By the way, is Chazz the pizza guy from Fast Times a Ridgemont High?

Watched Dallas's Most Eligible or what I like to call it "Bunch of Fucking Assholes"

As if I needed another reason to hate Dallas....

True Life I have a Sugar Daddy...

A. Yes..... if a guy you call a fucking Sugar Daddy buys you a $500 dress you have to "bring the heat"'s part of the dealio....
B. By the way haven't these sugar daddys ever heard of prostitutes?

Had two events in last 24 hours that made my question my manhood...

A. Eyed welled up during Michael Lohan's breakdown in group on Celeb Rehab....not...sure...why...I think Dr. K consoling him put me over the edge...
B. Made the statement to family that we had to watch Rocco's Dinner Party because "Liza Minelli" was a guest...

Did I just typed the phrase "in group"?... ok maybe three events....

More Celeb Rehab

You know you got a bunch of fuck ups when Stephen Adler is making the most sense...

Amy Fisher....why are people so mean to you? waaaa...I don't deserve to be shot an innocent women in the face...why aren't you still in jail again?  By the way, I like my porn stars a little less whiny....

Speaking of porn, is it neccesary to have ads on how to grow a 10 inch cock with photoshopped pictures of a 10 inch cock on some skinny dude right on the front page on these fucking porn sites...For goodness sakes show a little class....I am trying to eat my lunch here.....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Finkle is Einhorn....

Einhorn is Finkle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please I implore everyone to watch the Documentary entitled Superheroes on HBO...genious....

Few thoughts:

A. Master Legend likes his beer...
B. Like their Justice League insignia...they should be expecting an injuction from the NFL any day now...
C. Wonder if these real life crimestoppers had rough childhoods?
D. Arnold Diaz is my real life superhero...Shame...On...You....

Yay!!! Christmas at the Real Housewives of NJ and I hope they all get foreclosure letters in thier stockings...well..except for Albie..he's a sweetheart....real smooth with the ladies too...was actually wondering if he pissed himself when Alexa Ray Joel sat down....

Was Joey Guidice coming off a peyote trip X-mas morning?

Why am I talking about Christmas in August?

Jersey Shore..Italy...lame....I mean it's like so weird for Sam to see Ron know....

Celeb Rehab:

A. I should not know the name Kate Major

B. Amy Fisher's husband has a bit of a temper

C. That being said Jeremy Jackon's chubby sister should keep her fucking mouth shut....

By the way The Town is an awesume fucking movie....