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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dammit Napolean fix yourself a damm Quisedilla....

Was in a Shop Rite in Trenton the other day, the patrons reminded me of a cross between the bar in Star Wars and the zombies from the Thriller video.....

Speaking of shopping these mother f'ing salepeople who work in Jos A Banks and Polo act like they are royalty and are looking at me in disgust because I am in gym clothes?....hey asshole I probably make 4 times more than you do..... you are 50 years old and dressed impectably but you prob live in a one bedroom efficency in a crack hotel....your not James Brolin ahole....

While waiting in line to buy stupid Christmas gifts is it ok to scream "FFUUCCKK" at the top of your fucking lungs?

Speaking of gym has a "ladies only" workout room...I am so tempted to go to the door and yell "C'mon me some titties!!!!" every time I walk past it....but then compose myself and realize if I do I should probably use the words "breasts" instead....


Can these bitches have one fucking party without all hell breaking loose. It's all Russell's fault.....I wish he was dead...

My buddy said Kyle looks like Demi response: yes if Demi Moore went a round with Tito Ortiz...

Lisa and Ken don't want an extravagant wedding....that is why they hired what appears to be the most flamboyantly gay Asian man in history

Anyone who names their kid Pandora is an asshole... shoes with tan pants?..I hope you rot in hell....

RHW Atlanta

Koy is just such an amazing good guy blah blah blah...but he is with that in my mind makes him a raving stupid asshole...

Something tells me Shreree married Bob Whitfield just for his money...just a wild guess....